- 17/12/2021
- 1597
Döwrüň talabyndan ugur alyp
Döwrüň talabyndan ugur alyp
Türkmenistanyň Telekommunikasiýalar we Informatika institutynda ýaş alymlar geňeşine ýaşlaryň ençemesi höwes bilen gatnaşýarlar. Bu ýerde döredilýän mümkinçiliklerden höweslenýän Ýaş alymlar geňeşiniň mugallymlary we talyplary häzirki wagtda birnäçe taslama işleriniň üstünde işleýärler. Olar dürli bäsleşiklere hem gatnaşýarlar. Golaýda Türkmenistanyň Bilim ministrliginde hem-de Türkmenistanyň Ylymlar akademiýasynyň bilelikde ýaşlaryň arasynda yglan edilen “Sanly innowasiýalar” atly programma üpjünçiligi boýunça bäsleşik geçirildi. “Sanly çözgüt IT meýdança” hojalyk jemgyýetiniň binasynda geçirilen bu bäsleşige beýleki ýokary okuw mekdepleriniň talyplarydyr ýaş mugallymlary bilen birlikde biziň ýokary okuw mekdebimiziň talyplary- da işjeň gatnaşdylar.
Institutymyzyň ikinji ýyl talyby Akgözel Gurbangulyýewanyň bäsleşige hödürlän “Onlaýn resminama kabul ediş ulgamy” atly taslamasy artykmaç sarp edilýän kagyz işlerini azaltmaga, maglumatlary elektron görnüşe geçirmäge sarp edilýän wagty tygşytlamaga mümkinçilik berýär. Mundan başga-da, institutymyzyň ýaş alymlar geňeşiniň agzasy we awtomatlaşdyrma kafedrasynyň mugallymy Şirmuhammet Wepaýew häzirki wagtda “AVR” arhitekturaly 8bit mikrokontroller arkaly öýjükli telefonyň taslamasynyň üstünde işleýär. Öýjükli telefon 2,8 dýuýmly TFT ekran bilen, micro-USB 2G ulgamlarynda işlemek üçin GSM modal bilen we 1000 mAs akkumulýator bilen ornaşdyrylandyr. Öýjükli telefonyň daşky gaby 3D ölçegde çap etme usuly bilen ýerine ýetirilendir. Daşky gabyň materialy hökmünde birnäçe barlaglaryň netijesinde polioksid saýlanyp alyndy.
Önümçilige gönükdirilen taslama işleriniň ýene-de biri Akylly öý ulgamynyň dolandyryş bölekleri bolup durýar. Häzirki wagtda dünýäde köp önüm öndürijiler Akylly öý ulgamlary üçin öz enjamlaryny we serişdelerini alyjylara teklip edýärler. Bu enjamlaryň esasy ýetmezçiligi öýüň maglumatlaryny daşary ýurt serwerlerine ugradýarlar we şol sebäpden Akylly öý ulgamynyň maglumat alyş-çalyş tizligi peselýär. Bu enjamlaryň ýokary bahasyny hem ýatdan çykarmaly däl. Institutymyzyň aragatnaşygyň radiotehnologiyalary fakultetiniň 3nji ýyl talyplary Daýanç Ýazlakow we Sapargeldi Rejepow awtomatlaşdyrylan ýyladyşhana taslamasynyň üstünde işleýärler. Ýyladyşhana birnäçe mümkinçilikleri özünde jemleýär. Olaryň arasynda howanyň temperaturasyna we çyglylygyna gözegçilik, dolandyrmak, topragyň çyglylygyna gözegçilik etmek hem-de gerek bolan wagtynda awtomatiki ýagdaýda suwarmak, ýyladyşhananyň howasyny çalyşmak ýaly amallary belläp geçmek bolar. Ýokarda bellenip geçilen amallaryň ählisini öýjükli telefonyňyzdaky programma üpjünçiligi tarapyndan dolandyrylýar.Ekilen ösümlige baglylykda degişli önümçilige görä temperaturany, çyglylygyny we suwaryş ýygylygyny programma üpjünçilikden berip bolýar.
Taslama işleriniň ýene-de biri hyýaly hakykat tehnalogiýasy bilen baglanyşykly Jepbarguly Suhangeldiýew we Suhrab Ataniyazow 3DMax programmasynyň kömegi bilen Ýaş alymlar geňeşiniň tejribehanalaryny 3D ölçeglere geçirdiler. Hyýaly hakykat äýnegini geýip siz Ýaş alymlar geňeşiniň tejribehanasyny görüp bilýärsiniz we degişli dolandyryjylaryň kömegi bilen birnäçe tejribe işlerini geçirip bilýärsiňiz. Institutymyzyň maglumat ulgamlarynyň howpsuzlygy fakultetiniň 1-nji ýyl talyby Ahmet Şihlyýew kiçi ýaşly çagalara harp öwredýän robot
taslamasynyň üstünde işleýär. Häzirki wagtda robot türkmen elipbiýindäki harplary öwredýär. Haçan-da harply RFID karty robota degireniňde robot haýsy harpdygyny we şol harpdan başlaýan bir sözi aýdýar. Bu amallardan soň robot galamyň ýa-da ruçkanyň kömegi bilen harpy kagyza ýazyp başlaýar. Geljekde ýaş alym robota birnäçe dilleri goşmagy maksat edinýär.
Taslama işleriniň ýene-de biri welosiped üçin niýetlenen tizligi ölçeýji enjam bolup durýar. Enjamyň birinji bölegi dolandyryja, ikinji bölegi tekere goýulýar. Enjam welosipediň tizligini we geçen ýoluny kesgitleýär we sürüjiniň türgenleşik wagtynda näçe güýji sarp edendigini görkedýär. Bu taslamany institutymyzyň 1-nji ýyl talyby Mekan Seýitkulyýew ýerine ýetirdi. Mundan başga-da, zehinli talyplarymyzyň ençemesi dürli täsirli işleriniň üstünde işleýär! Bu bolsa biziň ýaşlarymyzyň zehin gorunyň açylmagyna uly itergi berýär.
Döwrangeldi Suwhanow,
Türkmenistanyň Telekommunikasiýalar we
Informatika institutynyň
Öwreniji mugallymy.
Based on the requirements of the times (Based on modern requirements)
Many young people are eager to participate in the Young Scientists Council at the Institute of Telecommunications and informatics of Turkmenistan. Teachers and students of the Council of Young Scientists, who are excited about the opportunities created here, are currently working on a number of projects. They also take part in various competitions. Recently, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan jointly organized a competition between youths on the "Digital Innovations" software. The competition, held in the building of the “Digital Solution IT Field” business association, was attended by students from other higher educational institutions and young teachers, as well as students from our institute.
The project “Online Document Reception System” presented by Akgozel Gurbangulyeva, the second-year student of our institute, allows to reduce the time spent on paperwork and save time on electronic data transfer. In addition, Shirmuhammet Vepayev, a member of the Institute of Young Scientists and a lecturer in the Department of Automation of our institute, is currently working on a mobile phone project with 8bit microcontrollers with AVR architecture. The mobile phone is equipped with a 2.8-inch TFT screen, a GSM modal for working on micro-USB 2G systems and a 1000 mAs battery. The outer shell of the cell phone is made in 3D printing. Polyoxide was selected as the material of the outer shell as a result of several experiments.
Another oriented project is the management of the Smart Home System. Nowadays, many manufacturers around the world offer their equipment and tools to consumers for smart home systems. The main disadvantage of these devices is that they send home data to foreign servers, which is why the smart home network's data exchange rate is slowing down. The high cost of these devices should not be forgotten either. 3rd year students of the faculty of Communication Radio Technologies of our institute, Dayanch Yazlakov and Sapargeldi Rejepov, are working on an automated greenhouse project. The greenhouse has a number of options. These include operations such as air temperature control and humidity control, management, soil moisture monitoring and automatic watering when needed, and greenhouse ventilation. All of the above operations are controlled by the software on your cell phone. Depending on the plant being planted, the temperature, humidity and irrigation frequency can be provided by the software depending on the respective production.
Another project is that Jepbarguly Suhangeldiyev and Suhrab Ataniyazov, who are engaged in imaginary reality technology, have converted the workshops of the Council of Young Scientists into 3D dimensions with the help of the 3DMax program. You can see the laboratory of the Council of Young Scientists by wearing imaginary reality glasses and you can do a number of experiments with the help of the relevant administrators. Ahmet Shikhliyev, the 1st year student of the faculty of Information Systems Security of our Institute, is working on the robot project that teaches letters to young children. Today, the robot teaches the letters of the Turkmen alphabet. When a letter RFID card touches a robot, it says what letter the robot is and starts with that letter. After these operations, the robot begins to write the letter on paper using a pencil or pen. In the future, the young scientist intends to add several languages to the robot.
Another design project is a speedometer for bicycles. The first part of the device is placed on the controller and the second part is placed on the wheel. The device determines general the speed and speed of the bike and shows how much power the driver consumed during training. This project was carried out by Mekan Seyitkuliyev, the 1st year student of our institute. In addition, many of our talented students are working on different influences! This gives a great impetus to the opening of the talent pool of our youth.
Dovrangeldi Suvkhanov,
Institute of Telecommunications and
informatics of Turkmenistan
trainee teacher.