Ykdysadyýet we amaly informatika kafedrasy

There are a total of 10 teachers working in the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.  Of these, 2 teachers H.Myradaliev and E.Gurbanova are candidates of economic sciences and 1 teacher B. Pirniyazov is a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

Teachers of Department of Economics and Applied Informatics conduct 1 scientific work on the department.  Since January 2020, an article has been submitted to the Journal of Finance and Economics on the basis of "Theoretical-Methodological Basis and Practical Application of Forsyth Research in Managing the Technological Development of Our Country in a Digital Economy."

In 2019-2020, a textbook and 16 textbooks have been prepared for the department and submitted to the library for use within the Institute.

In addition to this work, the teachers of the department regularly appear in scientific conferences and in newspapers and magazines.


Books published by the department

1) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Industrial Production Planning in Communication Enterprises" prepared by Juma Annadurdyev, a teacher of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev – Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

2) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Enterprise Tax System" prepared by Hazratali Myradaliyev, a senior teacher in the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, and Guljeren Annaniyazova, a  teacher-learner  in that department, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

3) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Finance of the Communications Enterprise" prepared by Juma Annadurdyev, a teacher of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

4) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Planning and organization of production in transport enterprises" prepared by Gyzylgul Toychiyeva, a  teacher of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H.Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.   

5) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Organizational and legal foundations of the enterprise" prepared by Govher Ishangulieva, Economic Advisor of the Ak sahypa Economic Society in Ashgabat, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

6) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course “Project Management” prepared by Nurmyrat Orazgeldiyev, a teacher of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

7) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Finance, Credit and Circulation" prepared by Govher Ishangulieva, Economic Advisor of the Ak sahypa Economic Society in Ashgabat, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

8) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" prepared by Sary Khashalov, a teacher-learner of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute. Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

9) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Professional building" prepared by Gyzylgul Toychiyeva and Yazjemal Orazberdiyeva, teachers of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

10) To discuss the use of the textbook in the course "Economic Theory" prepared by Hazratali Myradaliev, a senior teacher of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics, and Sapargul Valiyeva, a senior teacher of the Department of Management and Innovative Technologies, within the framework of the Institute.  Responsible: H. Myradaliev - Acting chair of the Department of Economics and Applied Informatics.

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